Here’s a great script to give user’s full control and ownership of their subfolders in a share (with their username as the subfolder name).
You have a share on SERVER called USERS that has your user’s folders (their username = subfolder name). The problem is that none of the users have permissions to their folders…
The Users folder is located at C:\USERS\
- Create a batch file called UserFolderOwner.bat containing the following code:
@echo off
if {%1}=={} @echo Syntax: UserFolderOwner FolderPath&goto :EOF
if not exist %1 @echo UserFolderOwner - %1 not found&goto :EOF
pushd %1
for /f "Tokens=*" %%a in ('dir %1 /b /AD') do (
@echo y| cacls "%%a" /t /e /c /g "%UserDomain%\%%a":F
subinacl /subdirectories "%%a" /setowner="%UserDomain%\%%a"
subinacl /subdirectories "%%a/*.*" /setowner="%UserDomain%\%%a"
- Download and install SubInAcl
The Batch file UserFolderOwner.bat uses SubInAcl to give the user Ownership of the subfolder and CACLS to set Full Control permissions
To run the batch file from CMD type:
UserFolderOwner.bat ParentFolder
UserFolderOwner.bat ParentFolder
Where ParentFolder is the path to the Folder (C:\USERS)
Let that run and you will have saved yourself hours of manual labour…
Many Thanks to Jerold Schulman at for creating this great script! (JSI Tip 8648).
I want this to work on the Z Share, how do I do that? I've already tried UserFolderOwner.bat (Z:) and that didn't work.
ReplyDeletePlease reply ASAP. Thanks.